Janet and Don Levy were honored February 28th as the recipients of the 2008 Civic Award. Don and Janet have worked with unselfish enthusiasm to enhance the Cedarburg community in many ways.
As a team they were instrumental in campaigns which made it possible to build the current Cedarburg Library, Webster Transitional School, the Cedarburg Performing Arts Center and the Centennial celebration for the city. As individuals, each has served in unique ways.
Janet Levy was a founder of the Cedarburg High School Community Service Program, which encouraged local high school students to get involved in volunteer activities. Among the events initiated during her 13 years with the program were a prom for adults with disabilities, a haunted house for charity, the “Ski for Sight” to raise money for visually impaired skiers, and the Jam for Charity.
Don Levy’s long history of civic involvement includes serving as past president of the Cedarburg/Grafton Rotary, as board member of the Cedarburg Performing Arts Center, and as past chairman of the St. Mary’s Foundation Ozaukee. As chairman of the St. Mary’s Foundation, Don was instrumental in a campaign to raise $5.3 million for the expansion of the Columbia St. Mary’s Ozaukee campus.
He is founder and president of the Cedarburg Landmark Presentation Society, which has preserved many historic structures in the city, including the Grist Mill, Turne Hall, and the most recent renovation of the Rivoli Theatre. His work earned him the Greater Milwaukee Foundation’s Frank Kirkpatrick Award in 2002, which honors individuals who enrich the lives of others.