Paul and Philia Hayes
Legacy Society Members
Legacy Society
Listed below are members of the Legacy Society — a group of individuals who share a commitment to support and sustain the many programs and projects that enhance the greater Cedarburg area. If you want to join this club, please print out and complete the Legacy Society membership form below and send it to: Greater Cedarburg Foundation, P.O. Box 711, Cedarburg, WI 53012. For more information on becoming a Legacy Society member, leave a message with the Greater Cedarburg Foundation at 262-377-7338.
“It takes insight, work, money and deep affection to protect and preserve as special a cultural, aesthetic and historic destination as Cedarburg has become, not just for Wisconsin but for the entire nation. The Greater Cedarburg Foundation employs all four of these attributes and the results of its mission can be seen and appreciated throughout our community. It is our privilege as members of the Foundation’s Legacy Society to stand among the scores of participants and supporters who help build that fine tradition.”
— Paul and Philia Hayes
Legacy Society Members
- Don and Carol Alexander
- Daniel and Amy Argall
- Scott and Sheri Austin
- James and Susan Baillon
- Mark and Mary Jane Baumgartner
- Mark and Victoria Benskin
- Bud and Kay Beverung
- Charles Birts
- Dr. Justin Braun and Tracy Schowalter-Braun
- Ted and Patty Brueggemann
- Richard C. Buser
- Greg and Sandy Butler
- Steve and Heather Cain
- Vince Cameranesi
- James and Vicki Capadona
- Tim and Kathy Carr
- James and Sally Castle
- Bob and Judy Chmielewski
- Rob and Patty Clapper
- John and Amy Cordio
- James W. Coutts
- Chad and Regina Curran
- Jacquelyn and James Dekker
- James and Joyce Dhein
- Alice Dickmann
- Dick and Dayle Dieffenbach
- Ed and Sandra Downey
- Jerry and Peg Edquist
- Joe and Lisa Fazio
- Candy Flagstad
- David and Patty Flowers
- David and Beth Fritz
- Loren and Anita Fritz
- Dale and Elizabeth “Liz” Gabrys
- Steven and Vicki Gall
- Peter Geisert
- Marueen and Blaine Gibson
- Brandon Goldbeck
- Randall L. Groth, Sr.
- Judy and Robert R. Guse
- Jack and Susan Hale
- John and Ronnie Hammes
- Dr. Michael and Patty Hansen
- Kristofor and Allison Hanson
- Lewis and Lorraine Hanson
- Paul and Philia Hayes
- Richard and Ellen Haynes
- Jill Hepburn
- Mal and Jill Hepburn
- Patti Hepburn
- Steve and Jodi Heston
- Peter and Sue Hitler
- The Hoven Family
- Ralph Huiras
- Richard and Barbara Janssen
- The Jenkins Family
- Kasten Farm LLC – Joel A. Kasten
- John and MaryLee Katzka
- Pat and Nancy Kennedy
- Bob and Evelyn Klug
- Jeff and Marian Knorr
- Kenneth and Edith Korb
- Bruce and Shirley Krenzke
- Dennis Krings
- Jon and Kelly Kuck and Family
- Diane Lane
- Mark and Lori Langholz
- Jedd Lapid
- Mike LaRosa
- Steve and Karen Leonard
- Ben and Janice Levy
- Janet and Donald A. Levy
- Delores and Lowell K. Levy
- Robert and Maria Loomis
- Allan and Jane Lorge
- Dale and Barbara Lythjohan
- Andy and Krisie Mansell
- David and Kathleen Mathias
- Mary Lou McPhillips
- Thomas and Catherine Multerer
- James H. Myers
- Barbara and Layton Olsen
- Ryan and Megan Olsen
- Gail Ostermann and Robert Uhren
- David and Anne Pagel
- Jim and Sandy Pape
- Katie Rintelman Pipkorn
- Brad and Pam Price
- Don Rintelman and Ann Rintelman-Tice
- Mitch and Renee Quick
- Karen Rogers
- James and Patricia Rothenbach
- David and Carol Schenker
- Andy and Andrea Schlidt
- Jon and Joan Scholz
- James and Jennifer Schowalter
- Steve Schowalter
- Robert A. and Marcia Schroeder
- Paul and Christy Schwan
- Michelle and Andrew Schwartz
- Bob and Louise Schwengel
- Jim and Judy Schwengel
- Christine Stroebel-Scimeca
- Chris and Sara Smith
- Susan and Mike Smith
- Nelle Steele
- Lori Steinbach
- Jack and Lindy Steinbrecker Family
- Eric Stelter
- Dr. Bruce and Sue Stevens
- John and Dale Stevens
- Duey and Laura Stroebel
- Kevin and Donna Taylor
- William James Taylor
- Frank and Barbara Trummer
- Stephen and Patricia Thome
- Thomas and Lisa Vogt
- Jerry and Alice Voigt
- Dr. Gary Walters
- Kay R. Walters
- Susan Graham Wernecke and William A. Wernecke Jr.
- Sue and Bill Wernecke
- Gary and Lisa Wickert
- Tim and Nancy Wilkinson
- Greg Zimmerscheid and Mary Kay Bourbulas