GCF 2020 Virtual Fall Fundraiser!
This year our annual Greater Cedarburg Foundation (GCF) Gala Celebration will take the shape of a three-day Virtual Fall Fundraiser with an exciting twist on September 14-16, 2020. While our current COVID-19 reality informs this year’s change, it is critical – perhaps now more than ever – to keep GCF in mind as you consider tangible ways to give back to our community.
Launching on September 14, this event will feature three videos spotlighting our new GCF President Mark Langholz visiting various local organizations via on-camera interviews, showcasing three areas of focus for our grants: brick and mortar projects (Day 1), community funding (Day 2), and social service partners (Day 3). These Q&A interviews will highlight how GCF has partnered with community organizations in the past and will continue to do so in the future.
Says Langholz, “Last year, our live gala celebration, ‘A Night at the Cedarburg Museums,’ was a tremendous success in raising funds thanks to our community, and we look forward to doing the same virtually this fall for organizations that may be more in need than ever. Over the last few years, our grant cycle included donations to the VFW, Family Enrichment Center of Ozaukee, Friends of the Port Washington Senior Center, Interfaith Caregivers of Ozaukee County, and the Lakeshore Regional Child Advocacy Center, among others.”
In addition, this April GCF Board Members held a special session to approve three additional grants to non-profit organizations positioned to provide immediate, direct help to families in need who are being impacted by the current COVID-19 pandemic. These organizations receiving targeted funds include Ozaukee Family Sharing and Saukville Food Pantry, both specifically for food purchases, and Family Promise for direct client assistance to families impacted by the COVID-19 crisis.
Since 2001, the Foundation has awarded grants totaling more than $1.6 million to many valued community organizations and projects that preserve the local cultural heritage, enhance artistic endeavors and support educational, social and community-based services in the greater Cedarburg area.
“Please consider tuning in on September 14-16, 2020 and donating to our 2020 Fall Fundraiser – watch for emails to come,” says Tim Wilkinson, board member and annual GCF fund drive chair. “We appreciate donations of any size.”