GCF Gala Registration Now Open!
Purchase Tickets & Register for Auction
October 7th, 2023
Tickets are available via GiveSmart Platform https://GCFGala2023.givesmart.com
“It’s Showtime in Cedarburg!”
The Greater Cedarburg Foundation will host its annual Community Gala on Saturday, October 7, with a visit to the Rivoli Movie Theater, followed by cocktails, dinner, live and silent auctions, and entertainment at the Cedarburg Cultural Center.
Registration begins at 5:30 p.m. at the Cedarburg Cultural Center. Starting at 6:00 p.m. guests can walk across the street to the Rivoli for a close-up tour, camaraderie and short presentation. Complimentary beer, wine, and appetizers will be served at each location. Entertainment and dinner will begin at the Cedarburg Cultural Center at 7:30 p.m. Dinner will be catered by From Scratch Catering.
New this year, GCF is partnering with the AmFund to offer eight trips of a lifetime for patrons to bid on while supporting GCF. These trips are valid for three years with no blackout dates, most include round trip airfare for two, provide a dedicated travel specialist, offer special excursions and adventures, and have the option of adding additional travelers or extended stays.
“Fulfilling The Greater Cedarburg Foundation’s mission to enhance the quality of life in our community is only possible through generous donations from individuals, families and businesses. We are grateful for the community’s support. As we gather to celebrate Cedarburg, The Rivoli, a Cedarburg institution for generations, is the perfect focal point and we invite you to join us for a wonderful evening,” said Joe Rintelman, GCF President.
Businesses providing financial support for the gala include:
Signature sponsors: Port Washington State Bank, Answerport, Olsen’s Piggly Wiggly
Bar sponsor: Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren s.c
Venue sponsor: Levy & Levy
Patron sponsors: Newman Chevrolet, Advantus, LaBudde Group, Pioneer Pet Products/Smart Cat, HSA – Herkowski Stickler & Associates , Digital Edge Copy and Print Centers, Raffel Systems, Othopaedic Hospital of Wisconsin, Stevens Dental Clinic
The event is a major fundraiser for the Greater Cedarburg Foundation, which awards grants for projects that preserve the local cultural heritage, enhance artistic endeavors and support educational, social and community-based services in the Greater Cedarburg area.
The GCF board is currently seeking additional sponsorships and auction items. Please contact a GCF board member via their website if you would like to make a donation.
Tickets are available for $135 per person or $1,000 for a reserved table of eight people. Tickets can be purchased on the GCF website at www.cedarburgfoundation.com. The deadline for purchasing tickets is September 25.
For more information, please call (262) 204-7387.
This Year’s Generous Sponsors include:
Sponsor Websites:
Port Washington State Bank – https://pwsb.bank/
Olsen’s Piggly Wiggly – https://www.shopthepig.com/
Answerport – https://www.answerport.com/
Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren s.c – https://www.reinhartlaw.com/
Jennifer L. Stevens, DDS – https://www.stevensdentalclinic.com/
Levy & Levy – http://www.levyandlevy.com/index.shtml
Newman Chevrolet – https://www.newmanchevrolet.com/
Pioneer Pet – https://pioneerpet.com/
Wilo – https://wilo.com/us/en_us/
Raffel Systems – https://www.raffel.com/
Orthopaedic Hospital of Wisconsin – https://www.ohow.com/
Advantus Corp – https://advantus.com/
HSA – Herkowski Strickler & Associates – https://www.hsarep.com/
LaBudde Group – https://www.labudde.com/
Digital Edge –https://digitaledgecc.com/
Additional sponsorship opportunities, including live and silent auction items are available. Please contact us at CedarburgFoundation@gmail.com or speak to one of the GCF Board Members for more information – https://cedarburgfoundation.com/about-the-gcf/